Nathalie Hester
• Letters from Spain: A Seventeenth-Century French Noblewoman at the Spanish Royal Court, by Marie-Gigault de Bellefonds, marquise de Villars. Edition and translation. Iter Press, 2021.
• Literature and Identity in Italian Baroque Travel Writing. Ashgate Press, 2008.
Selected publications:
• “Amerigo Vespucci and African Amazons. Reinventing Italian Exploration in Baroque Epic Poetry.”Gendering the Renaissance: Text and Context. Eds. Meredith Ray and Lara Lyn Westwater. Newar3, DE: Delaware University Press, 2023. pp. 69-89.
• "Transnationalism and the Epic Tradition in Baroque Italian Travel Literature." Transnational Italian Studies. Eds. Charles Burdett and Loredana Polezzi. Liverpool UP, 2020. pp. 107-224.
• “Italian Travel Writing.” Cambridge History of Travel Writing. Eds. Nandini Das and Tim Youngs, Cambridge UP, 2019. pp. 206-220.
• “Columbus Conquers the Moors: Baroque Italian Epic from Granada to the New World” in The New World in Early Modern Italy: Eds. Elizabeth Horodowich and Lia Markey, Cambridge UP, 2017. pp. 270-287.
• “Bitter Laughter and Colonial novellistica in Galeotto Cei’s Relazione delle Indie.” Culture and Civilization 6 (2014): 243-257.
Research and teaching interests
Renaissance and Baroque literature, travel literature, early modern French and Italian historiography, early modern Italian convent culture, feminist theory, seventeenth-century women’s writing.
M.A. Periods
1 & 2
Courses taught
•ITAL 150: Cultural Legacies of Italy • ITAL 303: Society and politics •ITAL 317: Made First in Italy •RL 407/507 Travel writing in the Age of Curiositas; The Idea of Europe •FR 150: Cultural Legacies of France •FR319: Modernity and Creativity •FR 331: French theater